Concussion recovery information and tips
Take a look!

Non-Sports Concussion Treatments and History Compared to Sports and CTE

Throughout one’s life, it’s common to have health issues arise from time to time. While the medical system can be dysfunctional, it’s generally possible to seek and receive care for any particular issue. This is what people expect if they sustain a concussion. The reality is something entirely different. It’s a shock to find that […]

5 Stages of Concussion Recovery

Undoubtedly, you’ve heard of the five stages of grief. I believe that there are also five stages of recovery from concussion, and long-term post-concussion syndrome in particular. Based on my experience, this is what I think they consist of. Much progress has been made in recent months and the past few years regarding concussion treatment and […]


Take a break!

You can do this. Take a few moments and find a new spot to explore. Wander the backroads and hills on this site and find a spot to gather info and recharge. Over the years, this site has helped many through their recovery. Explore!