When you look out on the horizon, what do you see?
That’s the question I have for those who are in the midst of a concussion recovery.
Perhaps everything is seemingly empty. Maybe you’re thinking: will things not change? Is my current state what my future will be? Is this what my life will be now? Is this is the best it can be? Forever?

Image source: Life of Pix
I remember a particular day when I had that thought. Stuck in a chair again, resting while waiting for the fullness in my head to subside, I’m sure those thoughts crossed my mind. That perhaps things would never change. That noone knew how to treat my concussion. That the horizon, my future, seemed bleak.
Fortunately for me, that didn’t turn out to be true. I did improve and got much of my life back. It just took a long time. I’ll never be 100% of where I was beforehand, but I’m a long ways away from that one particular day in those early years of recovery. Thank goodness, those earlier times are behind me. I now consider them to be my “lost years” but they’re definitely in my history.
When you’re looking out on your horizon, just remember: from a vantage point such as this, you can also see the most amazing sunrises. Imagine an expansive sky painted with a multitude of colors.
For now, listen to some waterfall music and wait for that sunrise. And remember: every day is one step closer to getting through your recovery. All you have to do now is get through today. Then see what tomorrow brings.
You might have to dig deep to find an untapped well of strength within you. It’s there. Keep looking. You’re worth it.
It’s going to be Ok.
Always believe that, and believe that better days are ahead. You’ll get there! When you do, you’ll be able to look back and realize that you’ve accomplished an amazing feat in your life. It will provide a foundation of strength for whatever lies ahead. So believe in yourself, your strength, and just keep putting one foot in front of the other each day. You’ll get there. There’s much more interest and help available then when I was going through the worst of my recovery. So already, you’re ahead of the game. Just hang on and keep plugging along. Remember: it’s baby steps, it’s slow, and the only guarantee I know of is that it will take longer than you like to get through a concussion recovery. Envision the endpoint and keep moving forward.